We’re here every single step for you.
It can be hard trying to navigate the U.S. Immigration System, but you’re not single handed… The Immigration Experts at Woodard & North have made it their mission to help you get the best results possible throughout your immigration process.
Find exactly the right visa you should be applying for
Handle any special circumstances that need to be considered for successful petitions
Defend you or your family against deportation
Successfully obtain Citizenship for you and your family
Make new or existing business ventures possible
We’re here to simplify things, making it as smooth as possible for you, so you can focus on the exciting part and leave the stress of the paperwork to us.
Immigration law can be divided into two categories
Family-based immigration and Business immigration.
Family-based immigration is for the individual to receive an immigrant visa.The individual is sponsored for permanent residence by a spouse, parent, or other qualifying family member.
Business immigration is the process by which an individual can receive temporary or permanent residence in the United States on the basis of employment, entrepreneurship, or by creating a substantial investment.
Immigrant & Non-Immigrant Visas
Non-Immigrant Visa
There are a few visas that a foreign national may apply for to be lawfully accepted into the United States. Some of the most common categories are as follows:
B-1/B-2 Tourist Visa
Available to visitors who meet the requirements, coming to the U.S for business or pleasure. B-1 Business Visitor Visas are for a short period and must not involve local employment. A B-1 Business Visitor may be admitted to the United States for such purposes as to consult with business associates, travel for a scientific, educational, professional or business convention, or a conference on specific dates, to settle an estate, or to negotiate a contract.
E-1/E-2 Treaty and Investor Visa
Investors and traders as well as their employees can receive visas to carry on their businesses in the United States. In order to be eligible for this visa, the applicant’s home country must have a commercial treaty with the United States.
F-1 Visa
Applicants looking to pursue a full course of study at a school in the United States can be eligible for a visa for the course of their study plus, in some situations, a period for practical training in their field of study.
Immigrant Visa
Family-Based Immigration
The most common way to immigrate to the United States is to be sponsored by a relative who is a U.S. citizen or green card holder. U.S.citizens can sponsor their husband or wife, parents, children, brothers and sisters. Green card holders can only sponsor their husband or wife and unmarried children under the age of 21. Unfortunately, Green card holders cannot sponsor their parents, brothers or sisters.
Employment-Based Immigration
Foreign nationals can get an immigrant visa if a U.S. employer is willing to sponsor them for a green card and give them a job in the U.S. They can do so by filing Form I-140, Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker. The sponsoring employer also needs to file applications for labor certification.
You can be eligible for an employment-based, first-preference visa if you have an extraordinary ability, are an outstanding professor or researcher, or are a multinational executive or manager. Each occupational category has certain requirements that need to be met.
Green Card Through Investment
Foreign nationals who make a $1,000,000 USD business investment in the U.S. (or a $500,000 business investment in a high-unemployment or rural area in the U.S.) that will create or preserve at least 10 permanent, full-time jobs for U.S. workers can receive a green card. A sponsor is not necessary.
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